class 12 communication system short question answer

 Dear students  class 12 communication system short question answer PDF have been collected at one place to get you all prepared for your 12th Bihar board exam, as well as for UP board exams ,Jharkhand board exam  ,MP board exams ,Rajsthan board exams ,cbse board exams and other board exams. Visit my nawendu classes youtube channel for more help.              

Q.1.  – What is Ionosphere?
Ans. – The part of atmosphere,which is extended from 80 km to 400 km is called ionosphere.
                                  It plays main role in sky – wave communications because it reflects some frequencies of radio waves.
Q.2.  – Why satellites are used in long distance T.V. transmission?                                                                                
Ans. – Frequency of T.V. signal is high. Which is not reflected by ionosphere this is why – satellites are used in long distance T.V. transmission.
Q.3. – What is meaning of “modulation index is 75%”?
Ans. – since we know that
            Amplitude modulation index = Am/Ac
          or, 75% = Am/Ac
         or,75/100 =Am/Ac
         or,  Am/Ac = ¾
             Am/Ac = 3:4
Hence ratio  of (message wave)Am to (carrier wave) Ac  is 3:4 

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