Dual Nature of radiation and Matter important questions with Answers PDF

Dear students class 12 physics chapter 11 Dual nature of radiation and matter important questions with answer pdf have been collected at one place to get you all prepared for your 12th Bihar board exam, as well as for UP board exams ,Jharkhand board exam  ,MP board exams ,Rajsthan board exams ,cbse board exams and other board exams. Visit my nawendu classes youtube channel for more help.
Dual Nature of radiation and Matter

Q.(1)- What should be main characteristics in metals used in thermionic emission?
Answer- metals used in thermionic emission
(i) should have high melting point so that they do not melt on heating.
(ii) Should have small work-function so that at low temperature large number of free electrons are emitted.
Q.(2)-  How electrons of $\beta $ emission is different from photo electric emission?
Answer- They are exactly same particles but have different kinetic energies. 
Photo electrons are emitted from metal surface with energy around few electron volts obtained from photons. But beta particles are emitted from nucleus with energy tenth of mega electron volt because $\beta $ emission is a nuclear phenomena and more energy is produced in nuclear phenomena.
So energy of electrons in $\beta $ emission will be more than that of electrons in photo electric emission. 
Q.(3)-  Electrons are emitted by light of constant wave length. If intensity of light is increased. How will the energy and number of emitted electrons be effected?
Answer- Since rate of electron emission is directly proportional to intensity of incident light. Hence if intensity of light is increased then number of emitted electrons will be increased.
                                                But energy of emitted electrons is directly proportional to the frequency of incident light (not of intensity of incident light).So  energy of electrons is not effected by increase in intensity of light.
Q.(4)-  What is de-Broglie wave? Write an expression for its wavelength. 
        Bihar Board- 2013 
Answer- Wave associated with moving particles is called de-Broglie wave. 
 Wavelength of de-Broglie wave = h/p = h/mv 
 Where h= plank’s constant 
            P= mv= momentum of the particles
Q.(5)- Define stopping potential. 
        Bihar Board- 2014  
Answer-  Stopping potential-  potential difference required to stop photoelectric current is called stopping potential.  
* It is denoted by ${{V}_{0}}$.
${{V}_{0}}=\frac{h}{e}\nu -\frac{{{\varphi }_{0}}}{e}$
h=plank's constant
e=charge of an electron
$\nu $= frequency of incident light 
${{\varphi }_{0}}$= work function
Q.(6)-  Define threshold frequency, work function, and stopping potential with reference to photoelectric effect. 
           Bihar Board- 2014 
 Answer- Threshold frequency-  Minimum frequency of incident radiation required to cause photoelectric emission is called threshold frequency. 
• The threshold frequency is just able to eject electrons from metal surface without giving them addition energy.
Work function-  minimum energy required to remove an electron from a metal surface is called work function. 
• It is denoted by ${{\varphi }_{0}}$.
    ${{\varphi }_{0}}=h{{\nu }_{0}}$
 Stopping potential-  potential difference required to stop photoelectric current is called stopping potential.  
also read- NEET Numericals
* It is denoted by ${{V}_{0}}$.
${{V}_{0}}=\frac{h}{e}\nu -\frac{{{\varphi }_{0}}}{e}$
h=plank's constant
e=charge of an electron
$\nu $= threshold frequency
${{\varphi }_{0}}$= work function
Q.(7)-  Show that the de Broglie wavelength of electron of energy E is given by the relation \[\lambda =\frac{h}{\sqrt{2mE}}\].
         Bihar Board- 2009 
Answer-  Kinetic energy of the electron = E
                    $\frac{1}{2m}\times {{m}^{2}}{{v}^{2}}=E$
                     $\frac{1}{2m}\times {{P}^{2}}=E$
now, debroglie wavelength of the electron=\[\lambda =\frac{h}{P}\]=$\frac{h}{\sqrt{2mE}}$

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