Guess questions of physics for 12th BIHAR board EXAM 2017 (In English)

 Long Questions 
1.Show for the  refractive index of a prism  
                  sin(A +𝛿m)/2
      𝛍  =    .▬▬▬▬▬                    .
                     sin A/2

Guess questions of physics for 12th BIHAR board EXAM 2017 (In English)

2.Describe principle,construction and  working of following devices 
(a) Transformer                (b) A.C. dynamo
(c) Cyclotron                      (d) Vann de graaff generator
(e) compound microscope
(f)reflecting(astronomical) and refracting(cassegrain) telescope
(g) moving coil galvanometer and its current and voltage sensitivity
(h)zener diode and its use as voltage regulator

(a)What is electromagnetic induction state faraday’s law and experiment of electromagnetic induction.
(b) Derive for refraction at spherical surface
      𝛍2/v-𝛍1/u =𝛍2-𝛍1/R
4.State the instantaneous value, peak  value, average value and R.M.S. of value of alternating current.
5.What are defects of vision? How are they corrected by using leases?
6.What do you mean  by logic gates? Describe AND, OR, NOT, NOR, NAND gate with truth table.
7.What do you mean by displacement current? How would you express Maxwell ampere law using it?
8.Distinguish among ferromagnetic , paramagnetic, dia magnetic, materials?
9. State kirchhoff's law.find condition for balanced wheat stone bridge.  
10.write Biot-Savart law.Obtain expression for magnetic field at a point on the axis of current carrying circular coil. 
(a) Obtain lens-maker formula.
(b) Obtain expresston for fringe – width in interference of light.
12.State huygen’s secondary  wavelet theory and prove law of reflection  or refraction on its base.
13.Describe L-C-R circuit with phasor diagram and resonance in  L-C-R circuit .
Short Questions

1.What are the Colour codings of carbon resistor?
2.How current carrying solenoid behaves like a bar magnet?
3.What is carbon dating?
4.Is mass of a body changed when it is charged?
5.Why poles pieces of magnet used in moving coil galvanometer are cylindrical  in shape?
6.What are eddy currents?write their uses. 
7.state Bohr's atomic model.                  
8.What is refractive index? How is it related to critical angle?
9.Why steel is used in making permanent magnet while soft iron is used in making electromagnet?                                                                           
10.What do you mean by critical mass (or size)?
11.State elements of earth magnetism?
12.What do you mean by doping?
13.What is magnetic hysterisis and coercive force ?
14.Write loss of energy in transformer. 
15.What is optical fibber ? Write its uses.
16.What is polaroid? Write its uses.
17.What is LED.

            click here TO READ Practice Questions(short type) Of Physics for 12th Board Exam 2017
18.What is polarisation of light? State brewster’s law.
19.Define drift velocity ,mobility and current density.
20.State principle of superposition for electric forces.
 21. Define thresold frequency and work function and stopping potential.            
22.Describe young’s double slit experiment      23.Define--
(a) sky wave  (b) Ground wave   (c) space wave      (d) fax   (e) www   
(f) E-commerce   (g) Remote – sensing       (h) Analogue – digital  (i)Antenna (j)e-mail
24.What do you mean by radioactivity? state half life time and average life time.
25.Write note on nuclear reactor .
26.State seebeck effect.
27.Write limitations of coulomb force.
28.State difference between magnification and power of magnification.
29.How chromatic aberration is reduced?
30.write four properties of LASER. 
31.What do you mean by debrogllie wave? Write formula for its wavelength.
          click here TO READ 12th physics NCERT short Question & Answer

32.what is SHUNT ?Write its uses.How a galvanometer is converted into ammeter?
33.How is energy lost in  sharing of charge between two conductors?
34.What is lorentz force?
          click here TO READ Practice Questions(long type) Of Physics for 12th Board Exam 2017
35.In resistance box resistance coil is made by doubled wire – why?
36.Write curie’s law .
37.What are necessary conditions for obtaining pure spectrum?
38.What  are necessary conditions for interference of light ?
39.What are polar and non-polar dielectrics .

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